A get-together among friends in Kielce
With more than 6,000 trade visitors and 580 conference participants, IT-Trans Karlsruhe has grown into an important event in…
From 9 – 11 October 2017, our US subsidiary iris Inc. will be present at the APTA EXPO.
We are in Hall F on stand 36. Come and see us!
Nuestra gestión de la calidad fue certificada por DEKRA en julio de 2017.
We were represented at the Lise Meitner Institute, Berlin-Neukölln and at the Mathematical Institute of the TU Berlin with our…
We can look back on an exciting and successful UITP 2017 and would like to thank our partners and customers for their interest and…
In November 2016 the Serbian capital Belgrade undergoes the largest project of Automatic Passenger Counting in the region.
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