CEO Andreas Thun at the German Physical Association
Andreas Thun held a presentation about the physical basics of 3D passenger counting on December 9th 2015.
At the “Berlin Industrial Dialogue” in the time-honoured Carl-Magnus-Building iris CEO Andreas Thun held his lecture “From passenger to pixel” and explained the functionality and the operating mode of the 3D-measuring sensors. Members of the German Physical Association, students and interested audience were present at the two-hour presentation and dialogue, in which the challenges and difficulties of counting passengers with 3D sensors in the mass transit were evaluated and discussed.
Furthermore the opto-electronic priniciple of the Time-of-Flight (TOF) technology was in-depth clarified, questions like “Why is sunlight the biggest rival for the functionality of the sensors?” and “Why are black-dressed persons a bigger challenge to the passenger counting?” could be answered thoroughly. After the panel discussion all laymen in the audience could cope with microsystems terms like “drift field” and “diffusion”. Dr. Hartmut, leader of the working party Industrie and Commerce of the German Physical Association, moderated the panel discussion between Andreas Thun and the audience. The evening was finished by a culinary wine banquet, catered by the German Physical Association and the WE-Heraus-Foundation.
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